關于我們 隨著人類文明生活不斷進步,無論在類型,還是數量,腳輪的需求都在日益增長,與人類生活越來越密切。進入了新的發展階段,行業面臨著世界新一輪的科技變革,而江龍腳輪靠著實用性、靈活性、耐用及高性價比的優勢讓我們在物流、建筑、工業各領域中日漸凸顯。 Under the continuous improvement of human civilization,the demand of castor wheels is increasing, whatever typesand quantities.Castor wheels already became familiar to our daily life. At Jiang Long, we provide practical,flexible, durable and costffective castor wheels every day to every corner of the world. Today,Jiang Long products are turning increasingly prominent in logistics, constructions,manufacturing and various fields. 陽江市江龍精密腳輪有限公司成立于中國改革開放初期1979年,工廠占地16000平方米,擁有150多名專業員工。公司擁有多臺自動沖壓設備、焊接設備、電鍍生產線,自動聚氨酯澆注生產線、自動橡膠硫化設備及腳輪自動裝配等先進設備,企業擁有多年的OEM、ODM生產經驗,并有著完善、穩定的產品零配件、原材料供應商。目前企業生產能力為50萬只腳輪每月,是一間能夠獨立在廠區內完成腳輪生產的企業。 Founded in 1979, Yangjiang JP Caster Co., LTD. has 12,000m2 production area and over 150 professional staffs. The corporation owns multiple automatic stamping machines, welding equipments, electroplating line,polyurethane auto injection line, automatic rubber vulcanization machine and castor wheels auto assembly machines. With rich experience in OEM & ODM, Jiang Long has complete and stable subsupplier of parts and materials, and its anufacturing capacity reaches 500,000 castors per month. We are proud to be a completely independent and rofessional casters production enterprise. 江龍腳輪力求在腳輪行業中取得更大的發展,致力于開創“設計,用料,生產,完美”的更高境界。江龍腳輪本著“ 生產一代.研發一代 儲備一代 ”的經營理念,秉承多年的設計和制造經驗,將腳輪產品打造為行業標準,實現了企業的抗風險能力,得到海內外客戶的一致認可。 To strive for better development, we focus on better chemes of design, material, production, and perfection. “Professional production, innovative R&D, and maintaining advantages” will always be the corporate value of Jiang Long. We have successfully made our wheels as an industry standard, with strong antirisk capability and well recognition by both domestic and foreign customers. Our customers can now be found in North & South America, Europe, Mid East, Asia & Africa. 技術創新永無止境,企業發展不進則退。江龍人清醒地意識到,我們要打造更加完美的腳輪產品來改變人類生活,走在行業的最前沿。 Technology innovation will never stop, and business will either grow or shrink. As a privately owned and operated company,Jiang Long focuses on our own vision, developing creative, commercial, and leading product to bring better life quality and help people accomplish safer, faster and with greater efficiency than ever before. 8月 2002年8月企業正式轉制為私營企業,并命名為陽江市江龍偉業貿易有限公司,并得到陽江市委市政府重點發展企業,高新技術發展企業 In August 2002, the enterprise was formally transformed into a private enterprise and named Yangjiang Jianglong Weiye Trading Co., Ltd. It has been the key development enterprise of Yangjiang Municipal Committee and Municipal Government and the high-tech development enterprise. 2002年 12月 2009年12月陳創福先生成立江龍腳輪研發中心,擁有專業技術人員19名,并專注研發腳輪與單輪,投入新型的聚氨酯腳輪生產線,橡膠輪生產線及CNC專業加工中心,并獲得多項設計專利 JIn December 2009, Mr.Ford Chen established Jianglong caster R & D center, with 19 professional and technical personnel, and focused on R & D of casters and single wheels, invested in new polyurethane caster production line, rubber wheel production line and CNC professional processing center, and obtained a number of design patents 2009年 6月 2020年受到全球疫情影響,全球經濟下滑,江龍憑借專業的腳輪研發系統及豐富的生產經驗,2020年的3月正式投入新型精密加工腳輪中心,制造0.015工藝腳輪,投入精密組裝車間,為求達到更加完美的產品境界; In 2020, affected by the global epidemic and the global economic downturn, Jianglong, with its professional caster R & D system and rich production experience, officially invested in a new type of precision processing caster center in March 2020 to manufacture 0.015 process casters and put them into precision assembly workshops, in order to achieve a more perfect product realm;
2020年 3月 2021年3月鑒于經濟復蘇勢頭,江龍精密腳輪將持續保持樂觀態度,積極參與AGV,RGV,高精密配合腳輪的各項研發,生產設備調整,高技術人員儲備作準備,苦練內功提素質 蓄勢聚能謀發展。 In March 2021, in view of the momentum of economic recovery, Jianglong precision casters will continue to maintain an optimistic attitude, actively participate in the R & D of AGV, RGV and high-precision casters, adjust production equipment, prepare for the reserve of high-tech personnel, practice internal skills, improve quality and accumulate energy for development.
2021年 2023年 1月 經歷3年疫情,加速了經濟下滑進程,在危機中讓我們擁有了更加堅定的毅力,爭奪市場份額機會。隨著生產成本,效率,研發以及戰略布局的要求越來越高,逆水行舟,不進則退,江龍將會圍繞現有優勢,專心致志,創造更多更加合適市場的優質腳輪產品。 After three years of epidemic, the process of economic downturn has been accelerated. In the crisis, we have become more determined to compete for market share opportunities. As the requirements for production cost, efficiency, R&D and strategic layout become higher and higher, Jianglong will focus on its existing advantages and create more high-quality castors that are more suitable for the market.